Tuesday, October 26, 2010

There's a Spear in the Bathroom

We started a writing group here. This poem came from the prompt: Make a creative story starting with "There's a spear in the bathroom..."
Mine turned into a poem.
This poem is based on true events.

There's a spear in the bathroom.
Why is it there?
Was it left by a monster?
Or maybe a bear?
Some Wild Thing left it.
Yesterday I think.
It's there in the bathroom,
Right next to the sink.
Move it, I say!
It's dangerous, you see!
Someone might grab it
and stab you or me!
This spear in the bathroom,
an object of fright,
could really scar one
in the middle of the night.
Again I must ponder
Why is it there?!
It's not there to brush teeth
or comb someone's hair.
It's oddly misplaced,
Let's go return it.
But the question is:
Where do we put it!?
This spear is so frustrating,
I think I may scream!
I woke up.
It's all been a dream.


  1. Oh man this is wonderful. I can totally hear you reading it and I know the faces you would be making haha. Love and miss you so much!

  2. Josh took the poem to class to read---I can't wait to hear about the reactions---he read it for us "in rehearsal" and we were all CRACKING. UP.!! No surprise there---

  3. Shel Silverstein would be jealous.
